The mystery of the human soul and what consciousness is, are timeless questions that up until now have not been satisfactorily answered. Padgett's spirit writings present the human soul as a creation not by random selection, but by intelligent design, and is the seat of human consciousness. Spiritualism exists because of the survival of the human soul after physical death, and its eternal existence in a spiritual world.
The soul is made of an extremely high vibrational material that comes from the spiritual universe, which the Earth's spirit world is a part. The soul is invisible to both mortals and spirits, it cannot be seen, weighed or measured in any physical sense. Yet, its existence can be detected by the presence of an aura, which is the active energy of the soul. One could say that the soul comes from 'out of this world'.
Jesus writes:
"The soul is a creation of God, and not an emanation or projection from God. The soul is created in the image and likeness of its Creator, although not of the same substance. The human soul is made of the matter that already existed in the spiritual universe, and the soul's creation took place long before the appearance of mortals in the flesh on the Earth. Prior to that appearance, the soul had an existence in the spirit world as a substantial conscious entity, without visible form or individuality, yet with a distinct personality, so that each soul was different from all other souls."
As a snowflake or fingerprint is unique no two souls are identical. This explains why siblings, even identical twins raised in the same family, can become very different people when grow up because of the uniqueness and individuality of each soul.
Jesus continues:
"The soul is a thing unto itself, a real substance and, is the discerner and portrayer of a human's moral and spiritual condition, never dying so far as is known. The soul is the real ego, because seated in it are the love principles, the affections, the appetites and the passions. In the course of eternity, the soul will have the possibility of receiving, possessing and assimilating those things that will elevate it to a state of perfection or to a state of divinity."
Phase I: Incarnation
Just prior to the incarnation the soul divides into two separate, but complete souls - one half having a preponderance of male qualities, and the other half having a preponderance of female qualities. These two halves of the one original soul are what is known as 'soulmates'.
Phase II: Physical Life
The two souls then incarnate into respective male and female fetus', and are born on Earth, as conscious human beings. The Earth is the nursery for the soul's development and, is the most important time in the soul's existence. These formative years provide the foundation and direction for the soul's more important eternal existence as a spirit in the spirit world.
Phase III: Return to the Spirit World
When the physical body dies the soul is released to the spirit world. The soul will be drawn up to a level that is harmonious with its soul condition by the spiritual laws of attraction and compensation. Then on, the soul now a new a spirt can choose to stay in the first home or to make progress towards having a better and more interesting life.
At the time of permanent physical death there is a breaking of the silver cord, and the soul is released from the physical body, forever. The function of the silver cord is to connect the soul to the central nervous system of the body. There is evidence of the silver cord's existence from the thousands of accounts of OBEs (out-of-body experiences) and NDEs (near-death experiences) by perfectly reasonable people. Researchers have documented the experiences of those who claim during surgery or trauma to have been out of their physical body while pronounced clinically dead. They are told it is not their time, and suddenly they are returned to their body, vitals return and the technician says, "We've got him back." The silver cord's functions for the soul is comparable to the umbilical cord's function for the fetus. The existence of the silver cord can even be found in the Bible: "Or ever the silver cord is loosed ... and the dust returns to the Earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it" (Ecclesiastes 12:6-7).
Whenever a man and woman co-mingle and produce a receptacle for the soul - the fetus - it will always receive a soul, regardless of the hardships it may face, otherwise the child would be still born.
Jesus writes: "The physical part of humans is the result of the meeting of those forces that are contained in the two sexes. This is in accord to the laws of nature to produce the one body fit to be the home of the soul that is destined for it. The body, which results from this meeting is intended only as a temporary vehicle for the development of the soul; for the body itself has neither consciousness nor sensation and in its beginning has only the borrowed life of its mother. We cannot see the soul as it enters into its home in the mortal environment because to us it has no form. Only after its lodgment in the human fetus, can we perceive and realize its existence for it becomes individualized and assumes form and becomes visible to us." The soul is the true person because seated in it is the consciousness, and all the attributes of that consciousness, the intellect, the memory, the conscience, the senses, the emotions and the passions that constitute the real person.
There is considerable speculation as to when the soul attaches to the fetus. Some say at conception others say at birth. I say the incarnation of the soul cannot take place until the central nervous system of the fetus is developed sufficiently to allow the soul something to attach to via the silver cord. Once the connection is made, the soul becomes the source of the power for the chemical reactions that fire the nerves and power the muscles and organs.
Therefore, in light of this information and the observation of meaningful fetal movement all indications points to the incarnation of the soul taking place approximately three months into the pregnancy. If a miscarriage or abortion takes place prior to this time, I suggest, there would be no spiritual consequence because the fetus had no soul and was not a human being and, no soul was released to the spirit world. But, if an infant soul after the three months does go to the spirit world, it will be adopted by relations or spirit parents and raised as their own to maturity.
Helen Padgett, wife of medium:
"I had scarcely awakened to the fact that my spirit had left my body before my mother-in-law had me in her arms and was trying to tell me that I had nothing to fear or cause me to feel that I was not with those who loved me. I went with her, and she took me to a place that was very beautiful and filled with spirits who had recently passed over."
Upon death, the soul is released from the physical body encased in its etheric or spirit body. This spirit body is not a new one, but has been with the soul since its incarnation into the mortal flesh. The spirit body takes the place of the physical body and protects the soul and gives it a recognizable human appearance during its life in the spirit world. This body is made of the active energy of the soul and reflects the condition of the soul, which can improve as the condition of the soul improves. The spirit body is clothed made by the spirit's thoughts and power of will, and it is the spirit body that makes it possible for a person to lead a normal life in the spirit world.
Arthur Findlay, spiritualist author:
"It will be noticed that, throughout these meetings (sessions with the medium John Slone), the etherians mention every part of their body, hands, fingers, face, lips, mouth, tongue, throat, legs, arms, feet, heart, head, hair, eyes and tears confirming that the spirit body is a duplicate of the physical body." Spiritualists know this to be true because mediums can describe spirit loved ones in considerable detail and at times with amazing accuracy.
Francis Bacon:
"The soul's home is in the spirit body, whether that body is encased in mortal form or not. The soul is never without its spirit body, which, in appearance and composition is determined by the state of the soul. The soul has a spiritual covering and an appearance that is real and tangible, which changes in appearance as the condition of the soul changes."
In the spirit world, there is no deformity of the spirit body. The blind can see, the deaf can hear and the amputee has his limbs. The only afflictions that are brought to the spirit world are the emotional and psychological ones, and, if the spirit is willing, these can be treated by spirit physicians and healed.
John Padgett, father of the medium: "My work in the spirit world is helping people find their soulmates. There is a record that contains the names of those who are decreed to be together for all eternity. When I want to learn their identity I consult the Book of Soulmates, and there I learn who that person is. If the soulmate is not married, then there is no restriction on me. But if the soulmate is married, then I must wait and not tell the name such is the law in this particular."
Soulmates do not necessarily incarnate at the same time, often the male goes first making him older, which works well in our culture. God wants soulmates to find each other while on Earth, and oftentimes they do, but due to social position, finances, education, religion, etc., they can be indifferent to one another. Soulmate recognition requires a degree of spiritual development on the part of at least one of the parties. Once a spirit has made progress in the spirit world, it has earned the privilege to know how his or her soulmate can be found, which will lead to their re-union. If soulmates do not find each other on the Earth, they will as spirits in the spirit world and are destined to be together.
The quality of human love is endowed into every soul at the time of its creation. The purity of this love varies from person to person, depending upon their ability to express it in the world. Motherly love is said to be the strongest, then brotherly love, and the highest and most spiritual is soulmate love. An expression of love that only soulmates can do is the merging of their spirit bodies in a union of love. This temporary union is equivalent to physical union on the Earth between a man and a woman. Though, the spirit union would be more satisfying and offer the feeling of oneness and home coming. Soulmates are destined to live together for all eternity in peace, harmony and happiness.